Preparing for all-new Digital Banking

We’re getting ready for our system conversion, which will require that we close on Tuesday, April 1 — meaning no branch, phone or online access for members.

Please read more and note this date on your calendar.

New Online Banking, Mobile Banking App and Bill Pay starting April 2

All-new Online Banking launches on April 2, and will offer more features and be easier to navigate. Here’s what you need to know.

All users have to enroll in the new Online Banking

  1. Click the Online Banking button at top right of  this page
  2. Click Enroll
  3. Enter Member Number, which is your Account Number without a suffix (the digits after the dash) and can be found on your monthly statement or within online banking.
  4. Enter your email, which must match the one in our system
  5. After you successfully submit this info, a temporary password will be emailed to you
  6. At the new Online Banking screen, input your Member Number again as temporary ID, using the temporary password that was emailed. You will then be prompted to select a real Login ID and Password of your choice.
  7. You will also be prompted to choose a Security Word or Phrase, which is used when logging in again as an added layer of security.
  8. After enrolled, you will also need to re-enroll in eStatements, which you can do within the new Online Banking portal.

Enrollment steps only apply the first time you go to our new Online Banking. Note your chosen password in a secure location.

Remember, we must have your current email address on file to enroll. Contact us today to update yours.

Enrolling in new Bill Pay

Enrolling in our new Bill Pay is easy. Once logged into our new Online Banking, tap the Bill Pay button in the top navigation bar. You will be walked through the steps for adding payees and setting up payments.

New Mobile Banking App

Beginning April 2, you will need to delete the current North Bay CU Mobile Banking app from your device and download the new app.