Land Loans and Operating Lines of Credit
- Competitive rates available for the purchase or refinance of agricultural land
- Specialization in non-conforming land loans
- Financing up to $50 million available
- Rural residences
- Vineyard/Winery financing
- Equine facilities
- Any land with ag production

Learn MoreOperating Lines of Credit
- Competitive rates for a wide range of seasonal or long-term needs
- Borrow up to 50% of your net equity in your land
- Monthly, semi-annual, or annual payment terms
Learn MoreFarm Equipment Loans
- Competitive rates for new or used farm and agricultural equipment
- Financing up to $500,000 available
- Customized terms, designed around your business's unique needs
Learn More4-H & FFA Youth Ag Loans
- Financing for 4-H and FFA students
- Helps students develop a credit history for future financial endeavors
- Free ag checking account and checks to pay for project expenses
Learn More