We're converting and upgrading all of our core processing systems so you’ll have easier, faster and more secure access to your business accounts. To facilitate this conversion, we will be closed Tuesday, April 1, 2025, with no branch, phone or digital banking access that day. 

You can read more about all the benefits and details here.

What Business Accountholders need to know

We want to be sure you're prepared for this conversion. Below you'll find answers to your questions and we will continue to update this page as we get closer to the conversion date.

Frequently Asked Business Account Questions

How will I log into my North Bay CU Business Account on April 2?

You will still log in at www.NorthBayCU.com. Please see instructions here.

Will my Business Account transaction history and monthly statements from before April 1, 2025 be available in the new portal? 

No, but we will archive all historical transaction history and account statements on our internal servers and can produce a previous statement upon request. We advise you to download your historical statements for your records from our current on-line banking program prior to April 1. You can do this under Accounts>Statements+Documents as shown below. All transaction histories and statements produced after April 1, 2025 will be available in the new online banking system.

Will I be able to get copies of my cleared checks?

Yes you can.

Will my current debit card work during and after the conversion?

Yes it will.

Will I need to download a new Mobile Banking app?

Yes you will and details will be provided to you soon.

Will I be able to use the new app to remotely deposit checks?

Yes you will.

Will my ACH/EFT bill payments that are scheduled to go out on April 1st be affected?

No, outgoing ACHs will be processed as normal on April 1st.

Will my scheduled ACH debits such as rent and tax payments be affected if they are scheduled for April 1st?

No, outgoing ACHs will process as normal on April 1.

When will my armored car cash pickups on March 31st be credited to my account?

They will be posted to your account on April 2nd.

Will Bill Pay be accessible on April 2nd?  

Yes it will.

Will I be able to use NBCU iPay (Bill Pay) after the conversion?

Yes you will.

Will there be read-only access for my CPA? 

Yes there will.

What happens to my scheduled recurring bill payment that is paid on the first day each month?

Any scheduled bill pay items for April need to either be done prior to April 1 or set up and processed on the new Bill Pay on April 2.